Associate Degree Programs


Associates of Science in Nursing (ASN Program) 

Students are required to complete course work in person via labs, clinical rotations, and live lectures- all of which are supported by a web assisted platform. Faculty and staff are available six days a week and up to 8 eight hours a day, via the web and through live interaction.

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Associates of Science in Health Information Technology

Students are required to take course work in person via labs, and live lectures- which are supported by a web assisted platform. Faculty and staff are available six days a week and up to 8 eight hours a day, via the web and through live interaction.



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Associates of Science in Office Administration

Students are required to take course work in person via labs, and live lectures- which are supported by a web assisted platform. Faculty and staff are available six days a week and up to 8 eight hours a day, via the web and through live interaction.