
Nursing Assistant

We are proud to host one of the longest standing Board Recognized Nursing Assistant Courses in the State of Florida.

Nursing Assistant

The Nursing Assistant is a health care provider who plays an integral role in the facilitation of daily and at times nightly duties within the health care community. Once they have taken the C.N.A exam they are qualified to work in a variety of workplaces, including but not limited too: Assisted Living Facilities, Hospice, Major Hospital Networks, Nursing Homes and Private Duty. They are also a favorite of  Nursing Registries and Agencies.

Upon successful completion of the program candidates are deemed eligible to take the Florida Sate Board Nursing Assistant Certification Exam.


Areas of Study include:

  • Introduction and Overview of Health care

  • Duties of the Nursing Assistant

  • Body Structures

  • Growth and Development

  • Rehabilitation and Rest

  • Understanding Patient care Assignment's

  • Discharging a patient

  • Nutrition Fluid and Diet Therapy

  • Infection Control

  • Vital Signs

  • CPR, AED, BLS, Infant Child and Adult

  • Special Procedures, Hot and Cold Application

  • Death and Dying

  • Care of Mentally Impaired/Alzheimer's Disease

  • Medical Terminology

  • HIV/AIDS training


Admission Requirements:

  •  Be at least 18 years old

  •  Be a United States citizen, permanent resident, or resident with a school permit

  • Submit Admissions Application ($25 Nonrefundable), (via Sign Request)

  •  Show proof of high school graduation or GED

  •  Agree to participate in both clinical and theoretical components of the course

  • Provide proof of health clearance (physical exam) from a physician 

  •  Provide proof of the following tests and vaccines

    • TB (or chest x-ray)

    • 10 Panel Drug Screen

    • Hep B (No more than 10 years old)

    • Chicken Pox (No more than 10 years old)

    • MMR (No more than 10 years old)

  •  Complete a background check through Castle Branch, with the directions provided by Capscare.

  •  Interview with the Dean of Nursing

  •  Complete an entrance exam

Program Cost:

$1000 ( Must be paid in FULL)

  • Includes: book, CEU’s (continuing education) and CPR.

Uniform: Scrubs and closed-toe shoes required). Not included in Program Cost.

CNA License: $155