All Degree Programs Include General Education
Prerequisites suggested for each degree
The general education requirements for an Associate's degree in the United States typically aim to provide a broad base of knowledge and skills that are essential for further education and the workforce. These requirements can vary slightly depending on the institution and the type of Associate's degree (e.g., Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, Associate of Applied Science), but there is a common core of categories that are generally included:
The following are needed for the nursing program
There is a requirement for each student and or transfer student
English Composition and Communication: Courses in this category focus on developing writing, reading, and communication skills. Typically, students are required to complete at least one or two courses in English composition.
Mathematics: Students are usually required to take at least one course in mathematics, which could range from college algebra to calculus, depending on the program of study.
Natural Sciences: This requirement includes courses in biology, chemistry, physics, and earth sciences. Students may need to complete one or more courses in this category, sometimes including a laboratory component.
Social and Behavioral Sciences: Courses in this area cover subjects like psychology, sociology, anthropology, economics, and political science. The aim is to introduce students to the ways in which human societies operate.
Degree Programs
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