Application fee

Application fee


The $75 application fee for our degree and diploma programs is an essential component of the admission process that helps us maintain the high standards of our academic institution. This fee serves several important purposes and ensures that both the applicants and the institution benefit from a streamlined and efficient admissions process.

  1. Administrative Costs: The application fee covers the administrative costs associated with processing applications. This includes personnel who review and evaluate applications, verify transcripts, and ensure that all required documentation is in order. These professionals play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity and quality of our admission process.

  2. Resources and Technology: Part of the application fee is allocated to maintaining and upgrading our technological infrastructure. This includes developing and maintaining an online application portal, data storage, and security measures to protect applicant information.

  3. Support Services: A portion of the application fee goes towards providing support services for applicants. This may include access to admission counselors or advisors who can assist with questions, concerns, and guidance throughout the application process.

  4. Enhancing Academic Quality: By charging an application fee, we can allocate resources to improve the quality of our degree and diploma programs. This includes hiring and retaining qualified faculty, updating course materials, and investing in facilities and resources that benefit our students' learning experience.

  5. Selectivity: The application fee also serves as a barrier to entry, ensuring that only serious and committed applicants submit their materials. This helps maintain the quality of the student body and ensures that admitted students are more likely to succeed in our programs.

  6. Sustainability: The application fee contributes to the long-term sustainability of our institution, ensuring that we can continue to provide quality education and support services to our students for years to come.

In summary, the $75 application fee for our degree and diploma programs is an investment in both the institution and the applicants. It allows us to maintain a rigorous admission process, provide support and resources for applicants, and enhance the overall quality of our educational programs. It is a vital component of ensuring that we can continue to offer an excellent academic experience to our students

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